Allison Brown
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Seattle, WA, USA
ICF - ACC; 20+ year breast cancer survivor (3x)
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Teacher Specifics
I am not accepting new clients at this time
Allison is a lifelong educator and is delighted to be part of the Radical Remission team as a Certified Radical Remission Health Coach. Cancer has had a frequent presence in her life beginning with her mother’s illness and then her own diagnosis in 1999. As a 3-time cancer survivor, she has been in remission for over 12 years and was thrilled to discover Dr. Turner’s work which validated experiences in her healing journey.
Allison is committed to empowering those affected by cancer and helping them navigate the journey as an active participant in their healing. She has a depth of experience gained through her exploration of conventional and complementary medicine as well as her work as a hospice volunteer. Allison is a certified professional coach through the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and also has a Masters in Teaching degree.
Allison is an avid traveler, nature lover, photographer and curious soul. She is forever grateful to her mother for showing her how to LIVE with her cancer.