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Ashley Marturano

Email Address

Ashley Marturano

Charleston, SC, USA


Registered Nurse & Certified Coach x 3

Certified Health Coach x 3

Self Study: Human Design, Germanic Healing Knowledge

Languages Spoken


Teacher Specifics

I only offer virtual coaching sessions


Hello & welcome!


I believe you were led to the Radical Remission Health Coach directory for a reason. There is so much support available to you!


You are so courageous! You are so empowered! You are so worthy!


Like you, I know how much getting a diagnosis sucks.


I was diagnosed with an "incurable autoimmune disease" when I was 17 years old.


My doctor told me my body was attacking itself, the cause was unknown, the disease was incurable and I could take steroid medication indefinitely.


I was in shock and filled with fear, confusion and shame.


  • Why is this happening to me?
  • Did I do something wrong?
  • Will it get worse and spread?


After 10 yeras of medication, new symptoms and no answers, I was beyond frustrated with conventional medicine (as a patient and a nurse) and was determined to find another way.


I decided to follow my intuition and be open to answers that made me feel empowered.


I spent five years (& tens of thousands of dollars of my hard earned money) experimenting with all things holistic, completing 3 health coaching certifications, and unlearning information that no longer resonated or that placed me as a victim.


I came to the conclusion that my body was never mistakenly attacking itself.


My body was adapting perfectly, sending me messages designed to protect and guide me.


I found that the root causes of my physical symptoms were not unknown, nor were they due to food, toxins, an unhealed gut or imbalanced hormones..


The root causes were:


  • My perceptions about my experiences (past, present & future)
  • Suppressed emotions from shocking events where I felt isolated (trauma)
  • Living a life that was not authentic to what my soul came here to experience.


In other words... I came to the discovery that I was the problem and I was also the solution.


And now I get to help deeply loving women just like YOU evolve their souls mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. When you focus on the inside, healing is simply a side effect. :)


If we are meant to work together, you will uncover subconscious patterns and deepen your relationship with yourself. You’ll create harmony by releasing emotional pain from the past while cultivating positive emotions in the present, master honest and compassionate yet assertive communication, and set healthy boundaries. Through spiritually aligned action, you’ll create an authentic, fulfilling life that excites you.


If this speaks to you, I invite you to send me an email at to request a free 30-minute consultation or simply to share your story. You will always be met with love, compassion, and unwavering support.


With love & gratitude,



P.S. Keep following your intuition, even if it doesn't make sense to others ❤️

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