Jerome Freedman
Email Address

Greenbrae, Kentfield, CA, USA
Radical Remission Health Coach Training
Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher
Certified Mindfulness Mentor
Certified Enneagram Teacher
Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Practitioner
PhD Computer Science
MS Physics
Languages Spoken
Teacher Specifics
I offer virtual as well as in-person coaching sessions
Dr. Jerome Freedman is an author, healthcare advocate, Certified Radical Remission Health Coach, Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, Certified Mindfulness Mentor, Certified Enneagram Teacher and a Certified Trauma-Sensitive Practitioner. He is a bladder cancer survivor since 1997. He is a long-time practitioner in the tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in which he is an ordained member of the Order of Interbeing and serves on several committees.
Jerome currently teaches Mindfulness in Healing at the Pine Street Clinic in San Anselmo, California (now on zoom) and writes daily on his blog, Meditation Practices. He is a contributing author of I Am With You: Love Letters to Cancer Patients, Nancy Novak, PhD, and Barbara K. Richardson.
Dr. Freedman served on the Board of Directors of the Marin AIDS Project and the Advisory Council of the Institute for Health and Healing between 2007 and 2010. In 2019 and 2020, he served as a patient advocate for the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) and a presenter at the 2022 Bladder Cancer Summit. He is now a contributor to the Earth Holder Sangha – the Plum Village climate response community - as an activist promoting earth protection. He is a former technical advisor for Operation Diana, an NGO dedicated to the survival of elephants in Africa.
Dr. Freedman holds a Ph. D. in computer science, along with two master’s degrees in physics and a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering. He interviewed Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson on cosmology and Buddhist thought in 2011.
Click here to send an email to Dr. Freedman or call 415-488-6476 to learn how you and your child can be supported.
Also by Dr. Freedman
How to Use Mindfulness to Be Happy!
Mindfulness Breaks: Your Path to Awakening
Stop Cancer in its Tracks: Your Path to Mindfulness in Healing Yourself
Healing Cancer with Your Mind: 7 Strategies to Help YOU Survive
Seven Steps to Stop Interruptions in Meditation: How to Concentrate and Focus on Your Meditation and Deal with Distractions
Cosmology and Buddhist Thought: A Conversation with Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson – excerpted by Lion’s Roar Buddhist Magazine
The Enneagram: Know Your Type! Awaken Your Potential!
Contributing author to I Am With You: Love Letters to Cancer Patients published February, 2015.
Mindfulness Recordings
Anger Control
Achieve Goals
Sound Sleep
Stress Relief
Reduce Symptoms
Weight Loss
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